27 Scottish Baby Girl Names that ROCK: 2023 Edition

Expecting a baby and want to weave some of your heritage into your baby girl’s name? Or maybe you just like Scotland and its history. Either way, we have a long list of Scottish Baby Girl Names that you will absolutely adore! Airlia Alison Avalbane Ballantine Betha Blair Bonnie Cailean Cameron Campbell Carrick Catriona Dallis…… Continue reading 27 Scottish Baby Girl Names that ROCK: 2023 Edition

21 Precious Baby Girl Names That Start with A: 2023 Edition

Congrats! You are expecting! And now the fun part begins: finding the right name for your little girl! Maybe you want her name to have specific initials, spell out a fun acronym, or honor someone without copying their exact name by using a name that starts with the letter of their first name, sounds like…… Continue reading 21 Precious Baby Girl Names That Start with A: 2023 Edition

Cute and Unique Baby Girl Names

When naming your new baby, new parents generally fall into one of two categories: a) You want to name your newborn after someone you know to honor them. This generally is the name of yourself (New Mama Jr. or III, or IV), your spouse, your parents, other family, close friends, someone that inspired you (like…… Continue reading Cute and Unique Baby Girl Names