Blob Mirrors for your Toddler’s Room

If you are looking to have a unique bedroom for your toddler, you are probably looking up all the current trends for play rooms, children’s rooms, and nurseries lately. One of the biggest home trends across the board is: Blob Mirrors? Now what is a blob mirror? A blob mirror is a mirror that is not perfect round or square, it might have wavy sides or it may look like something that happened when rain drops form a puddle on the ground. It is definitely a more organic shape that will bring tons of interest to your child’s room. So here are several options of blob mirrors for your Toddler’s Room:

A great way for a toddler to learn self awareness and social skills is… you guessed it, with a mirror!

So it is CRUCIAL that you have these tools available to your child, especially in their room. They might feel more comfortable learning when it is something that is in their room that is actually “theirs”.

Wall Mounted Dressing Mirror

-Ideal for dress up, getting ready in the morning, and just fun social play!

Click here to look at this mirror on Amazon.

Vanity Mounted Mirror

-Great for when you need a mirror up off the ground or to put next to a desk.

Click here to look at this mirror on Amazon

Bear Shaped Wall Mirror

-Great for adding design and happiness to your sweet toddler’s room!

Click here to check out this mirror on Amazon

Wooden Wrapped Full Length Mirror

-Great for making a small room bigger and creating visual interest

Click here for this mirror on Amazon.

Colorful Mini Mirrors

-Budget friendly and creates visual interest and light

Click here for this great mirror on Amazon!

Hopefully you were able to get some ideas on decorating your toddler’s room by adding pieces that not only add a creative flair to your child’s room, but mirrors are great at making spaces look bigger.

If you need even more ideas on how to decorate your child’s bedroom, there are some staples for any bedroom in the following post:

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